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Camping & RV Reservations

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Reservations for the 2025 Season will open on 4/15/25 at 8am for reservations of one week or longer

Reservations of less than one week can be made beginning 4/22/15 at 8am

"FCFS"= First Come First Served

Some of our campgrounds are first come first serve only and do not accommodate reservations and some of our campgrounds are open year-round. 

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Trout Creek Campground Trout Creek Campground, is located in the recreation area near Lake Pillsbury and the Eel River Basin. Located near the Eel River, Trout Creek Campground offers picnic tables, fire grills and a double vault toilet. Swimming, fishing and non-motorized boating are favorite activities in this Northern California location. Reservations may be made through the user-friendly online system. Small RVs and tents are allowed. Trout Creek Campground has no hookups, and trailers are not allowed in the lower loop.

Frequently Asked Questions!

What FIRE RESTRICTIONS are in place because of wildfire risk? 2022 Fee increase. How do I make a reservation? How do I cancel my reservation? What is the cancellation / change policy? What does FCFS mean? Can I reserve a First-Come First-Served campsite? Can I bring my pet? Can we show up for our reservation late? What is the 14 day maximum stay rule? What are the RULES for the PG&E campgrounds? What are the RULES for the PG&E Day Use Areas? What if I don't have an account?